Remember yesterday? I was going to post some more about what I did? There's been a change in plans. Instead, I, finally realizing something I should have realized long ago, dedicate one post to the events which happened 1 year, 12 hours, and 27 minutes ago.
Even a year after 9/11, we've constantly said "We won't forget." And if there is a way to show it, it's by proving that. Not by just by saying we won't forget. But by taking measures to make sure we don't.
It was a sad event, 9/11. We know. But the experience we have gained from it is invaluable. Even after our initial mourning, shock, and astoundment, the knowledge of what took place still held us in disbelief. But forgetting about 9/11 won't make it better. All it would do is make us lose the memories of the events. The experience of it. The stories you could tell to future generations. All of it would be gone. To forget about it would only weaken the resolve that America as a country has against all opposing forces.
So remember that. Remember that even though America may just suck, it's the best country in the world. We have prospered the most. Our lives change and advance daily. We may not have infinite resources, but we're dealing with finite resources, and America has probably made the best overall experiences from those.
As a nation, we must not forget who we are. We are part of one of the best nation's in the world. Individually, every one of us might not be able to do a thing. But when the people of our country come together into such a unity as this, we become unstoppable. I don't become unstoppable. The whole community which is America does. We have freedom. The terrorists tried to take that from us. They tried to take our art, our technology, our beliefs, our individuality. We struck back at them with incredible force. A battle they will never forget. Each one of us individuals came together to prove to the terrorists this concept. And should any other nation or group oppose our views and decide to take action, they shall suffer much as the terrorists who attacked our nation one year ago did. That's what America stands for. Freedom.
As repetitive as it may sound, the more we tried to hide this idea, the more we let the terrorists win. Our goal is to show the world what freedom is like. What it is America stands for. A unity of people. A government for, of, and by the people. One which we can practice our ideas and express ourselves without fear of degradation or destruction.
We are America. This is what we stand for. This is who we are. NO ONE will prevent us from believing this. NO ONE.
THIS is what we must never forget.
Nobuo Uematsu II: The Swirling Revenge of Sami
Starring Samus Aran and Mr. I'm Attacking The Darknessā¢!
Wednesday, September 11, 2002
Monday, September 09, 2002
Hey there people. Everyone. My loyal fanbase. Yes, that's right, all 5 of you. Glad you made it for another exciting installment of "Crap which I do in my life."
Oh, I'm posting late at night. Why? My computer is in my room again. After 2 years of absence, I finally have a PC and Internet connection in my very own room again. Very good deal, if you ask me. All I had to do was clean my room. Took me a week, but it was worth it.
So what's been happening? I'll start off with a bit of info about Super Mario Sunshine. Oh, I can't say that. I mean Super Fucking Mario Sunshine. This game is a very good game. I love this game. Nintendo truely has made yet another masterpiece. I shall fully critique it later.
For now though, I've been doing some redecorating. I've printed out some of my favorite webcomics and stapled them to my walls. God bless plaster. Many thanks goes to LittleOD2 for the idea.
I've been in an artistic mood again lately. I gotta lot of stuff to scan in and whatnot. A lot of it is partially surrealistic. Ah, yes. Surrealism. I love it. The concept. The ideas within it are truely a marvel of modern art. The idea which can combine multiple seemingly normal things and combine them in such a way to send a message to the viewer in a unique or abstract way. Maybe no exactly that, but it holds true to many pieces of surrealistic art I have seen. It's simply a fun thing to draw.
Lately, I reread the entire MegaTokyo and Machall archives. Both very good pieces of onlie webcomicry. I highly suggest reading them.
Currently, my iBook is on the fritz. It sucks. The power cord is kinda sorta not working. Oh well. I'll be sure to gettit fixed soon.
Currently, I can't type a lot. Doing so would result in me typing fast and loud, resulting in my parent's awakening and me computerless. I'll add more tomorrow.
See ya.
-Steve Wolf, the legendary Shine Getter
"What do you do if your kid is at home, crying all alone on the bedroom floor, because he's confused? And the only way to help him is to hire a tutor and spend a lotta money and his daddy's gone."
-Mrs. Soucy's parody of What Would You Do, by City High