Saturday, April 20, 2002

[Music: Beastie Boys - Intergalactic]

Saturday April 20th, 2002

Today has been a great day.

I'll start it off with Yesterday though. Yesterday, I had a dandy day at school. Afterwords, I came home and played Final Fantasy 3 on my iBook. At my grandparents house, me and OD2 played a bit more SUper Mario World. It was fun. We got to Vanilla Ghost House and Vanilla Secret 1. It was pretty good.

Today, was VERY fun. I started out by going to my MP3 library on This computer (Grandparents) and began reorganizing the files and renaming them and the like. I've gotten up to the H's. Then I went downstairs and started playing my own game of SUper Mario World. I'm already at Special world, thanks to Blue Yoshi (I got to it as soon as I entered Vanilla Secret 1). It was really fun, and reminded me of how much fun Super Mario World REALLY is. I played taht until my Birthday party at 4. That was good times. My friend from Church, Corey, came. I got $10 and a card from him. My best friend Justin gave me a $10 Best Buy gift card. Rachel gave me a Michael W. Smith CD (Worship, I think...). Yay! M W SMith! Then we bowled about 3 games. We were just messing around and all, and drank Mountain Dew. Rachel just eventually stopped altogether, and just wtached. It lasted until 6:30. I loved the party. My grandpa got me the best gifts though. Chrono Trigger (with all it's original contents), Metroid for the NES, and SOnic Adventure 2 Battle. I haven't played them yet however. But I am happy for now. Chrono Trigger I think, is the second best game to exist (rivaled by Super Metroid). But I'm thankful for what I got. During the week, my Houston relatives sent me a total of $40 and a $50 Toys R' Us gift card. Now I have MONEY to spend! Yay!

After the party, Corey came to my house. It was fun. I've never had a friend who likes to watch people play video games. I beat 3 Mega Man X bosses (Chill Penguin, Storm Eagle, and Flame Mammoth, in that order). Then turned it off and got on the computer, where I showed him some music videos and the like. It was fun. I think I'll have him over again. He's a really good friend. We only had an hour and a half though, so I didnt get to do a whole lot.

Overall, I've had some good times. I may continue my SMW Playoffs if OD2 ever gets on...

So all in all, I'm thankful. I also believe I havent gotten all of my presents yet. My grandpa said he'd only give me 3 of 'em today, and I haven't gotten anything from my parents. Today was just my 'friend' birthday party. I wasn't even in the room with cake and all. I was just bowling with my friends and opened my gifts out there. Today has been very good, and gives me hope that God will bless me more (Can't ever forget the Big G). I still need to gather up Justin's birthday gift (for June 7th. I need to choose what SNES games to go along with the SNES). Either way, It was all good. I'm thankful. I think I'd just prcastinate spending money, but I spose I could go to Toy's R' Us tomorrow or something with the gift card, and maybe Best Buy to get a GCN to GBA link cable with the other gift card (Thanks Justin! Justin Wandell, not Kujino, in acse any of you were confused). Charlie wasn't able to come though. Neither was Ryan, but he lives in Minnesota, however far away from Missouri that may be, and he's 13, so I never expected him to come anyways.

Anywho, it's been very good. Time for me to end this.

"I have no quote of the day, so instead, just enjoy Wallyota, The pretty farting rhino who can eat armchairs." - Me, whenever I couldn't think of a quote of the day for April 20th, 2002... Waitaminut...

[Edit: Oh yes, Charlie a site where he shall keep his Conservative Republican thoughts. There you have it. Yay!]

Thursday, April 18, 2002

[Music: The Beatles - Obladi Oblada]

Holy crap Charlie! That's a long post! Too much politics! AAAH! I think I'll read the part about gun control.

Well, Guns haven't kiled people, but like that non serious quote addition to "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." It goes "But the guns sure do help!" I haven't had a problem with guns in general, used responsibly for fun, like Paintball or shooting ranges. But I actually think they shouldn't be used for defense, or offense for that matter. I was talking with Ryan W. about this (whom greatly disagreed with you) and I realized what he means now. Guns for war purposes should only be used for war purposes IN THE ARMY, or the like. Now, of course, responsible people know how to handle guns and the like, and how to keep them protected. But then there are irresponsible people who use them for malicious pruposes instead of entertainment in a harmless manner. I'm not going into all the political issues or all the facts about what the original antagonist may or may not have right now, but I will say there are better means of self defense. Trying dodging the shot bullet, or disarming the antagonizer. Many more ways than antagonizing back. Sadly enough, there are people who don't know these other ways, and resort to having a gun. EVidentaly, I was informed that the original antagonizer oculd have a gun to your face, threatening you, but if you shoot in self defense, you could be tried for murder. The antagonizer is the one who shoots first. SO if a robber comes to your house with a gun, and is stealing your stuff and has a gun, and aims at your head so you wont get in his way, and you have a gun. You could shoot first because he could shoot you and kill you. But if you hurt him, and he shoots back, YOU could be the antagonizer in a court of law and he would be let go on self defense, if what Ryan said was right.

Now, people shouldnt be carrying the guns. Why do you think there are cops around with guns who are trained and know how to manage the situation? Yes, to defend thje people. As for concealed weapons, well, let's say a responsible citizen wants to go on a killing spree, or mistakes an innocent person as someone about to harm them? More injuries and deaths. In fact, I even elarned that the aprents of the Columbine idiots had their guns locked up and all that jazz, but the kids found a way to access them. Besides, if the robber is so desperate he resorts to stealing, he probably needs it more than you do (unless it's something evryd ear, in which case you can tell the robber to drop the stuff you really want, and let him go off with the 'general stuff', which includes stuff like TV's and food and a few otehr things I'm too lazy to think of). (1 day later, after bed and school and back home...)
My train of thought stopped. I generally agree somewhat with everythiNG BUT the guns, but then again, I dunno both sides of the story. I suggest you get your own blog for the Conservative Republican-ness of yourself, and for here, do verse of the day and if you want, maybe a lesson or something important that happened during your day or something, like I am.

ANywho, I'm done here.

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

[Music: Cake - He's Going The Distance]

Tuesday April 16th, 2002.

I haven't upadted in 3 days or so, I thought I was due for an update.

My Language Arts class sucks. I don't know of any other way to say this. Yesterday in Language Arts, we had a sub, and I like having a sub because THE CLASS IS MORE CALM when there is a sub. That's one thing that bugs the heck out of me. My Language Arts class is a place that I'm just plain... boggled taht I go to at all. Normally, Mrs. Kelley doesn't have much control over the class, but she allows it. I've seen way too many things happen in that class that I am, and you probably would be too, surprised that a few of the students still haven't gotten in any major trouble. During SSR at the begining of class, There is usually (Nameless person) a kid who is on Mrs. Kelley's computer playing (I think) Backyard Baseball 2002, or browsing the internet or something. And among that, I'm now trying not to antagonize back whenever anything happens at all. In all seriousness, I don't know WHY I let myself get into this class. I blame myself for that happening, and I greatly regret what I did (got kicked out of Challenge Language Arts/Stretch compacted for not maintaining a C or above for the first quarter). Mrs. Kelley's classes are usually COMPLETELY WILD AND DISTURBING! I cannot say this enough. Their is a lack of maturity in the class itself (5th period, mind you), yet nothing is done about it. Sometimes, she'll do something about a particular situation but the solution doesn't usually last long. Oh, and I'm not going into how much disrespect OVERALL there is in taht class. Worst of all, I can't learn much in that class. It's almost just become a class in the back of my mind. Right now, my train of thought is moving slowly, so I think I'll just say one final comment: I incredibly regret getting kicked out of Challenge LA, and if I could change it, I would.

[If Mrs. Kemp is reading this, I'm not trying to get sympothy or anything. I'm just typing my feelings for the day. Nothing more.)

Oh yes, now time for some brightness.

Yesterday, I upgraded my iBook to system 10.0.4, so now I can install a carbonized version of iTunes and iMovie. Do you know what really made me realize I should get 10.0.4, however? Dave 3.0 and PhotoShop 7.0. And do you know HOW I got those two programs for Mac, FULL VERSION?... Yes, I downloaded them. God had blessed me. I KNEW he would answer my prayers (Which I specifically prayed taht I would somehow be able to save enough money to get those two programs. He had mercy. I didn't have to spend anything. Big thanks to God).
Some Macintosh users would just LOVE to Download these, I'm sure of it. LAst night, my dad was using a program called FreeWire (I'll get the URL later), and he searched for Dave. Evidentaly, FreeWire has MAcintosh files (.sit and .dmg, and the like). SO I also downloaded PhotoShop 7 for Mac, and got rid of a few files that were eating away at my Mac's harddrive (My high quality black belt test movie, for example). That was a big Yay! :-p

Oh yes, and now SNES9X runs MUCH smoother now that my "Performance of my Mac is now optimized with 10.0.4." It SNES9X, the smoothness of movement and display is just plain incredible! So I thought I'd say taht.

Today, I finished the MAP for Math. Then I played Final Fantasy 3. I'll post a review on it some other time, but for now, I think my train of thought is at a complete stop, so I'm going to go end with a quote of the day.

"Get in pairs of 2 or 3." - Mr. Taussig, my German teacher, today in German. Nuff' said. :-P

Sunday, April 14, 2002


Yup, I'm up this late. Me and LittleOD2 have been doing something interesting. We've been having SUper Mario World SNES9X Competition all night. It's very fun. He's keeping track of the scores via Excel. Here's the scoreboard, right before Vanilla Dome 1. Man, I havent ahd fun like this in AGES!

The Super Mario World Playoffs Scoreboard

You need Microsoft Excel 2000 to view this. I'll post more later. For now, see ya!
Or, for those who don't have Excel 2000, Here's a picture of the scoreboard.

The picture

Note: LittleOD2 is another guy named Steve. I've known him for a while from PA! Forums. He's also one of my best online friends.